Listicle Tag

Thank you, Not-So-Modern Girl, for nominating me for your original Tag!  I’ve never heard of a Listicle, but the concept sounds like so much fun.  I love making lists.

Make sure all of you go and visit Not-So-Modern Girl’s blog for more fun!


  • Create your own listicle tag, using the prompt from the person who tagged you.
  • Tag the creator of the post (not-so-modern-girl!) so that I can read all your brilliant posts and see how the joy of listicles is being spread.
  • Nominate as many people as you want!
  • Set those 5 people the subject/prompt of their listicle post!


Not-So-Modern Girl gave us a list of Top 5 Female characters, which is a great one!  I didn’t even have to think too hard.  My top 5 favorites are:

  1. Claire Beauchamp Fraser from Outlander

Claire is the ideal for me.  Mature, mostly together, pragmatic, capable.  She’s worthy of Jamie’s love, and since he’s the top dog that has to make her the top Woman.

  1. Hermione Granger from Harry Potter

Hermione will someday grow up to be Claire.  She’s exceptionally intelligent and comfortable in her strength.  Her friends wouldn’t have made it anywhere without her.

  1. Natalie Grayson from Cream of the Crop

Natalie is my hero!  I love that she’s a big woman, tall and voluptuous, and she owns it.  She’s sexy, hilarious, and badass.  I adore her!

  1. Mim Malone from Mosquitoland

Mim was a young girl just figuring out her place in this world.  Luckily, she already had a find grasp on what this world is like.  She had some of the best world philosophies I’ve ever read.  Spectacular character.

  1. Quintana from Lumatere Chronicles

I know that most readers love the strength in a character that has mad ninja skills and can beat someone to death with their two fists.  For me, the characters with a strength that isn’t so obvious.  Quintana is the strongest character I’ve ever read.  She’s a survivor, in every single way.

These are my top favorites, now who are your favorite female characters?


Your Listicle prompt is Name 5 Exceptional Book to Movie Adaptations!

Lost: Purple Quill | Adventures Between Pages
MeltingPotsandOtherCalamaties | Meghan’s Whimsical Explorations & Reviews
 Momma Blogs A Lot | Books & beauty Are My Bag

About Birdie

Don’t look for her in any bar, club, crazy raging party, or anywhere there may be a large gathering of strangers. She’s more likely to be found tucked into the corner of the couch watching one of her favorite shows, or preferably under a comforter with her current novel.

19 Responses

  1. Thank you for tagging me!! I’m going to have to think hard about my favorite book movies. Also I wish I could say I knew more of the characters on your list, so I may have to look into some of these books. Hermione, though, is always a winner.


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