The 2017 Birdie Book Awards!

Can you believe it’s already December again?  I can’t stop thinking about how fast everything blew by! My 2017 blogging year was pretty darn good.  It was full of new friends, fantastic reads, and good conversation.  It also led up to my favorite post to create -The Birdie Awards! It’s hard to choose one book […]

2017 Goodreads Year in Books!

Another year down, another year of reading on Goodreads. I think this is my favorite Goodreads feature, simply because I love seeing my yearly book totals broken down.  I’m such a dork, but it’s like getting even more intimate with my reading year. I also love sharing my totals with you! I hope to see […]

Baby Chick’s Pick | The Diabolic by SJ Kincaid

Nemesis is a Diabolic. Created to protect a galactic Senator’s daughter, Sidonia. There’s no one Nemesis wouldn’t kill to keep her safe. But when the power-mad Emperor summons Sidonia to the galactic court as a hostage, there is only one way for Nemesis to protect Sidonia. She must become her. Now one of the galaxy’s most dangerous weapons […]

2018 Beat the Backlist Challenge

I don’t feel like my 2017 Beat the Backlist challenge was very fruitful.  Not only did I fall off my list, I also stopped filling out the form to log my page count.  In 2018 I’m going to do much better.  That’s my goal anyway.  This is supposed to the asskicking I need to get […]

Early Bird Review | A Destiny of Dragons

A Destiny of Dragons is the sequel to The Lightning Struck Heart. The review may contain spoilers for book one. About the Book: Once upon a time, the wizard’s apprentice Sam of Wilds got his happily ever after in the arms of his cornerstone, Knight Commander Ryan Foxheart. A year has passed, and while Sam’s […]

Top Ten Tuesday | 10 Series I Need to Read!

10 Series I Need to Start Stop Putting Off I’ve been putting off writing this one because I couldn’t think of any series that I’ve been wanting to start, and haven’t.  Well, how wrong was I, because I wound up with about 30 to choose from.  I didn’t realize I’ve had my eye on so […]