Top Collab Tuesday | TTT Halloween Freebie meet T5T and Book to Film Creepsters!

Happy Halloween to all of the blogosphere out there! Halloween week is probably my favorite holiday each year. There were the kids who loved Halloween for the candy, and those who loved Halloween for the make believe. I was definitely in the latter. I have a feeling a lot of us bookworms were. This week, […]

New Release Review | Keeper of the Bees by Meg Kassel

Keeper of the Bees by Meg Kassel Black Birds of the Gallows Series YA Fantasy Entangled Teen | September 4, 2018 About the Book: KEEPER OF THE BEES is a tale of two teens who are both beautiful and beastly, and whose pasts are entangled in surprising and heartbreaking ways. Dresden is cursed. His chest houses a […]

Blog Tour Spotlight | Monsterland Reanimated by Michael Okon

Thank you so much to Rockstar Book Tours for organizing the Monterland Reanimated blog tour, and for choosing me to join. Monsterland Reanimated Author: Michael Okon Paranormal Fiction Wordfire Press | April 13, 2018 About the Book: After Monsterland has been destroyed, the entire world is thrown into chaos. Wyatt Baldwin and his friends must […]

Blog Tour Review | Monsterland by Michael Okon

I was on the fence about reading Monsterland, but I couldn’t resist when I saw the the announcement for the tour.  It was just the push I needed to request and read this ARC. So, thank you so much to Rockstar Book Tours for organizing the Monsterland blog tour, and for choosing me to take part! I […]

The Horror Movie Book Tag

Is it unusual that I don’t watch Horror movies at all, but I’ve been looking forward to this tag!  I don’t watch horror movies, but I like horror movie conversations.  I think it’s my husband’s fault.  He’s crazy about horror movies, and occasionally he makes me watch them (with my eyes closed) and he’ll get […]