My Monumental Day ! (How about a Giveaway?)

So!  This happened, and I was so excited!


In my real world I’m a pretty timid person.  It’s not easy to explain what it’s like to live with anxiety.  When I try, I feel like I sound pathetic and then I feel anxious.  I’ll just simplify it and say that trying anything new is hard.  A lot of mental preparation goes into it, talking yourself up, reminding yourself that everything is going to be okay.

It affects everything, even little things like starting a blog.  I wanted to do this years before I finally started, and I built my experience by joint blogging before I ventured off on my own but I was still anxious.

Maybe it wasn’t as fast as other blogs, maybe it is only 200, both things my anxiety whispers to me, but I refuse to listen.  It feels incredible and empowering, and I’m looking forward to my next 200!

Thank you to all of you.  You guys have idea how much this means to me.

In honor of my first 200, I’m doing a Giveaway of my life long favorite:



  • Giveaway Runs 11/28-12/7
  • Open Internationally
  • 1 Winner Chosen
  • Do to the graphic nature of the novel, entrants should be at least 18 years old.
  • see Terms & Conditions for further information

Click to Enter Birdie’s Giveaway

About Birdie

Don’t look for her in any bar, club, crazy raging party, or anywhere there may be a large gathering of strangers. She’s more likely to be found tucked into the corner of the couch watching one of her favorite shows, or preferably under a comforter with her current novel.

42 Responses

  1. Congratulations on hitting 200! And to me, for one, that’s a HUGE number! I mean, mate, I got all happy and merry for hitting 80 followers, so I know where you’re coming from XD
    and I know it may not seem like it to you, coming from a stranger, but I know how hard anxiety is, and I just want you to always remember that we’ve got your back here; and that you’re very admirably strong for voicing out your thoughts like that.


  2. Congratulations on 200 followers! It’s an amazing feat and your blog truly deserves it!
    You’re a very strong person and you’re doing great. Being there for each other as fellow bloggers is what I love about this community! We’re all here for you.
    Thanks for sharing. 🙂


  3. Congratulations on hitting 200 followers! That’s fantastic. I feel anxious every time I post because of my anxiety disorder. Don’t let it get you down. You can be yourself on the blogosphere!! I love all of your posts, keep up the great work 😀


  4. Congrats on your milestone! 🎈🎉 When I started my blog, I never thought anyone would read it. (Maybe my mom) I was shocked when people hit the follow button and started talking to me. It’s a cool feeling. Congrats! To another 200 more! 🙂


      1. Yeah, exactly! It was very exciting. I figured I would just post reviews so I could keep up my word count quota for the day, and it turned into something I honestly didn’t expect. My mom loves reading my blog. Lol She tells me that she’s blogging when she reads it. Haha! She’s the only one though. 🙂


      2. Haha! That just made me laugh so hard. Shelvin’ with Grandma would get my attention if I saw that title in my WP reader. Lol 😂 Go mom! 🙌 I wanted to do a feature where my mom reads the same books as me and then we compare notes. She said she wasn’t qualified to write a review. Lol 🙈


      3. Oh, good. I can’t wait to read both posts. 🙂 That’s cute! I was going to read Tiger’s Curse months ago and wasn’t too convinced by the reviews. I hope that one turns out okay. And how adorable that your daughter is going to interview you. That should be fun. 🙂


  5. A huuuuuuge congratulations on your 200 followers! They’re very well earned. Your blog is amazing ❤ I understand the horrors of anxiety all too well, so I just want you to know that you're doing such a fantastic job with your blog. It's all too easy to listen to the self-deprecating thoughts anxiety can induce, so it's great that you're overcoming them with the help of your wonderful blog. Keep going! ❤

    Also, totally entering your giveaway 😀


  6. Well done and what a great giveaway for all your followers.
    Here’s to plenty more followers for you in the future.
    Also – meant to say, don’t enter me into the competition as I already own this one so don’t want to be greedy!
    Lynn 😀


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