Blogging in 2017


2017 started off with a pretty significant change in my life.  After three years, I decided to part ways with Badass Book Reviews and commit to blogging solo.  What does that mean for Birdie’s readers?  Nothing.  I’m pretty sure my post amount will stay the same.   I just won’t also have to try and do 1 review a week there, I’d already begun to fail.  It means that I can maintain my my status quo here on Birdie Bookworm, and maybe still have a bit of time for my family, friends, and pets.  Maybe.  5-6 posts a week, and blog visiting, it is a lot of work.  (As I’m sure all of you know.)

Three years is a long time though, definitely long enough to build friendships that I’m going to try to hold onto even though we’re not blogging buddies anymore.  I will always appreciate having had the opportunity to work with an established blog.  I think it was the perfect starting spot for someone who wanted to blog, but felt overwhelmed when trying to figure out where to start.  I was able to start when there were other bloggers to help carry the weight.  I truly believe that having written on Badass Book Reviews is what gave me the confidence to dive in on my own.

While mostly there is a level of excitement, because I’m quite proud of Birdie Bookworm and the community I’ve discovered on WordPress, there are aspects of group blogging that I know I’m going to miss.  Although now I think I’m realizing that the negatives and positives of solo blogging are two sides of the same coin.

Positive #1 – Running a 1 person Blog Calendar

This is a simple one.  The calendar is wiiiiide open.  I control it.  I’m the only one affected by it.  I can do whatever craziness I want and I don’t have to think about how it may affect any other bloggers.

Why it’s also Negative – Um, you’re the only one filling your calendar.  When it’s just you, there’s no choice but to notice those empty days.  There’s nobody else to rely on, nobody to help when you’re in a slump.  You can also add that having multiple reviewers/writers means that you’re likely to have rotating content, probably.  When you’re solo you’re responsible for being versatile, which is something that has always been important to me.

Positive #2 – Solo Blogging Means You Can Target a Specific Audience

Even if you don’t do it on purpose, you’re bound to attract a specific audience because most of us have specific tastes.  That’s just the nature of the beast, and sometimes it’s good to find your niche.

Why it’s also Negative –

Reviewing/Writing with a group means that combined tastes are going to be more eclectic, therefore you’ll draw in a wider audience.  A wider audience means new friends, and that’s the best part of blogging.

Positive #3 – Creating Your Blog Around Your Personality

The best part of creating a blog is getting to put all the pieces of who you are into it.  I know some people think that you can’t get a feel for someone’s personality from a blog, but I disagree.  A blog done right should tell me all about who you are, from the design, to the image styles, to the writing.  I loved piecing my blog together from bits of myself, writing posts and watching it grow.

Why it’s also Negative – I sat for hours trying to come up with a blog theme that said something about who I am.  Birdie Bookworm is ingenious.  It could only be more accurate if it was “Birdies, but also Horses, Bookworm”… and that doesn’t flow.  Anyway, guess who came up with that.  Not me.  It was my sister, who is also the Birdie Bookworm artist.  Birdie Bookworm is me.  Through and through.  My obsession with my birdie babies, and my love of books.  And I couldn’t even come up with it.  Now I have to carry it.  With my personality!  That’s terrifying.

I honestly have no idea where this was going.  Sometimes I just start on a tangent with no idea what the outcome will be.  I just know that my schedule, the transition, and Birdie Bookworm have been on my mind this month.  I’ve been turning these thoughts around in my head, and I was hoping writing it out would being me sone insight. Maybe it’s about how the positives and negatives cancel each other out, making blogging the perfect outlet

I think I’m going to just keep thinking on it.  If you got anything from all this, please let me know.

About Birdie

Don’t look for her in any bar, club, crazy raging party, or anywhere there may be a large gathering of strangers. She’s more likely to be found tucked into the corner of the couch watching one of her favorite shows, or preferably under a comforter with her current novel.

27 Responses

  1. I’m fairly new to blogging, but I think everything has its downsides and upsides. And you know what’s best for you, better than anyone else.

    You’re right about the negatives and positives cancelling each other out. Letting go of something isn’t easy and no matter how much we think it through, we still have our misgivings. But eventually it all falls into place. I think writing down one’s feelings and comparing the negative and positive aspects certainly helps. 🙂
    Wish you all the luck with your decision! Your blog is going great.


  2. I think it’s perfectly normal to just write out what your thinking, it helps in making decisions and all that fun stuff. I believe that everyone at some point in their blogging life comes to terms with the ups and downs of it all. I know for me personally having enough content is a major thing for me. I would hate to not have enough because (I know it’s not true) but I feel like my readership will go down, and leads me to stressing out sometimes. I’m trying to avoid that this year, we’ll see how it goes!


      1. Haha thank you, it took me a long time to come up with it, but I also like that the initials I chose for myself are WM. I really want to make a cool logo with it!
        I feel you, you have to really (as you put it) own your name, I think you own your name very well 🙂


      1. Yes I love the community! They are so welcoming and just so nice! 🙂
        That’s why I branch out into more than just books because if it was just about books, this blog would not survive! Plus I think a blog that talks more than just one thing is always interesting; it shows that the person behind the blog has more than one passion.
        Sometimes I feel like I talk about waaaaay too many things on my blog, and I don’t know if it’s a good or bad thing! 😐


      2. Hey! I would love to read about your birds! I feel like that would bring your blog full circle! People write about their dogs/cats all the time, I feel like it would be super cool to read about your birds, since I don’t know anyone who has one. Just a suggestion! 🙂
        I love writing about TV that’s why I dedicate every other Tuesday to it!


    1. Valerie L.

      I, too, really love your name (both Birdie & Whimsically Megan)! It’s so hard to come up with a great name for one’s blog. Valerie’s Musings works, but it’s not as “original” as I would’ve liked it to be.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Well, I can understand how this must be a big change for you in many ways after several years! But it also sounds like you understand what you need and want with your blogging. So I am confident you are making the best decision for you and will have many more happy years of writing and reading ahead ❤


  4. I think you’re doing great so far! Your blog and “brand” are super cute and I love reading your posts when they show up on my feed 🙂
    We all need changes at one point or another in our lives and as long as you feel right about what you’re doing and why you’re doing it, that’s awesome! Adaptation takes time so don’t rush and just take things slow.
    I wish you all the best in this new and exciting solo journey! ❤


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