Beat the Backlist Review | A Promise of Fire

Promise of Fire

About the Book: Catalia “Cat” Fisa is a powerful clairvoyant known as the Kingmaker. This smart-mouthed soothsayer has no interest in her powers and would much rather fly under the radar, far from the clutches of her homicidal mother. But when an ambitious warlord captures her, she may not have a choice…

Griffin is intent on bringing peace to his newly conquered realm in the magic-deprived south. When he discovers Cat is the Kingmaker, he abducts her. But Cat will do everything in her power to avoid her dangerous destiny and battle her captor at every turn. Although up for the battle, Griffin would prefer for Cat to help his people willingly, and he’s ready to do whatever it takes to coax her…even if that means falling in love with her.

Kingmaker Chronicles #1
Romantic Fantasy
Sourcebooks Casablanca | August 2, 2016
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A Promise of Fire has been on my To Read list for a while now.  It seemed like everyone was raving about it, and even though hype usually scares me I actually thought it sounded really good.  It stayed on my To Read simply because there was always a new release that was more important.  Since I decided to leave my August review schedule nearly empty, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to finally pick it up and give it a shot.

Going into A Promise of fire my perception was of a strong Fantasy novel; one that included a romance.  I knew the romance would be strong, because it was in the romance section, I just thought there would be something that made it stand out.  I assumed it was more, and that’s what made everyone fall crazy in love with it.

You know what they say about assume.

I personally didn’t fall in love with it.  I thought it was decent.  I haven’t got any outright complaints.  I’m a romance reader.  Romance is my first love.  Nearly every book I’ve read has had some kind of romance.  When I read books that don’t include romance, I spend the entire time missing it.  I feel that anticipation feeds the couple’s chemistry, making me feel more.  There wasn’t any real anticipation here.  The attraction was so obvious it was practically smacking me in the face.  A Promise of Fire’s romance felt like every other romance novel out there, complete with clenching loins and smoldering looks, and basically it wasn’t what I was looking for.

Luckily, it did have a really feisty and funny heroine.  Cat was full of snark and sass, and I loved how she drove everyone insane with her quick mouth.  Not to mention, she was one powerful woman.  I think, of all the Fantasy heroines out there, I would love to have Cat’s abilities.  She was definitely the best part of A Promise of Fire, and she is the #1 reason why I will continue this series through to the end.

The second reason I’m committed to continuing was because I really liked Team Beta, and the Royals.  For me A Promise of Fire wasn’t about Cat’s relationship with Griffin, it was more about her connection to Griffin’s team (particularly Kato and Flynn) and it was about Cat’s growing friendship with Griffin’s sisters, the Princesses.

I also have some fascination with Griffin’s jealousy.  I wasn’t driven by Cat and Griffin’s overall love story, but I do secretly love a possessive hero.  I can’t help it.  I adore the stomping around and marking their territory, whether the man is an Alpha or not.  I love reading them staking their claim.  It’s one of my favorite romantic character traits ever.  It especially worked in this book because Cat was just as jealous and protective of Griffin.  Those were the scenes that made me grin and giggle.

Overall it was only a so-so read for me.  But, who knows.  Maybe the next one will blow me away.  Bring on Breath of Fire!  I’m ready for ya this time!

3_5 feather

About Birdie

Don’t look for her in any bar, club, crazy raging party, or anywhere there may be a large gathering of strangers. She’s more likely to be found tucked into the corner of the couch watching one of her favorite shows, or preferably under a comforter with her current novel.

6 Responses

  1. I’m new to your blog, so my question is a little off topic from this post. You wrote you always read romance. Do you read Katie McAlister? I love her book, The Girl’s Guide to Vampires. I’m on a mission to read all of the Dark Ones series, and that is the first book.


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