Book Tag: Books to Read in Pairs

I’m a little intimidated by this tag, honestly.  I’ve never been very good at the comparison game.  I like comparing in the moment, but after time has gone by I stop seeing similarities.  But, even if I’m a little nervous, I’m also excited.  It should really stretch my mind.  Looking forward to that, so thank you to Nicole from Sorry, I’m Booked for tagging me!

I hear that you have to choose between 5 and 10 books to pair off.  I think I’m going to go with 5, due to that intimidation.  Here goes nothing!

Feed The First Days

Feed by Mira Grant
The First Days by Rhiannon Frater

These are my two favorite Zombie novels, and they kind of go hand in hand.  The First Days begin the moment people start falling to the virus.  It’s fast paced and makes your heart pound.  You fall in love with all the characters, and you hurt for them in this horrific world.  Then, in Feed, the story picks up when after the virus has been contained.  People have learned how to live in this new world.  Instead of the world ending, they learn how to thrive.  They’re Zombie books that should be read together.

Red Rising knife-of-never-letting-go

Red Rising by Pierce Brown
The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

These aren’t a lot alike.  One is about an epic rebellion, and the other is about… well, a rebellion I guess, but they’re still different. The similarities though are that they both take place on Mars, and that they’re both Sci-Fi/Dystopian.  Also, the biggest reason, these two books are both so fresh and unlike anything else I’ve ever read.  I think that they are the two best Dystopian books I’ve read, hands down.

good-boy cream-of-the-crop

Good Boy by Sarina Bowen & Elle Kennedy
Cream of the Crop by Alice Clayton

Cream of the Crop and Good Boy are a perfect pair, because the two of them were oh so funny!  In Good Boy you have the awesomeness that is Blake Riley, and in Cream of the Crop you have the vibrancy of Natalie Grayson.  These two books are the perfect partners.  In fact, I have given years off my life if these three authors had collaborated and had Blake and Natalie fall in love!

Simon Homo Sapiens Agenda Almsot like being in love

Simon vs The Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
Almost Like Being in Love by Steve Kluger

Simon is a YA book, and Almost Like Being in Love is an adult book.  However, both of them are about being Gay in high school, and about finding love.  Both of them are incredibly romantic and sweet, and they both follow a similar format (I thought).  While I liked Simon more than Almost Like Being in Love, I still think Simon fans might should check it out.  It was a very good read.

challenger-deep your-voice-is-all-i-hear

Challenger Deep by Neal Shusterman
Your Voice is All I Hear by Leah Scheier

I read these two books close together, and all I could think about was how they’re a perfect pairing.  In Challenger Deep you have a teenager struggling with his Schizophrenia diagnosis.  Obviously, seeing as it’s Neal Shusterman, it was brilliant.  Then, in Your Voice is All I Hear, it’s about a young woman who’s boyfriend has been diagnosed.  It was the perfect pairing to get both sides of the same plot.  I loved it, and I’m constantly telling people to read them together.

That actually ended up being easier than I thought!  I can’t wait to see what everyone else picks! 

I tag:

BaBAMB | Book Princess Review | Lois Reads Books
The Bookshelf Corner | The Brunette Bookworm Blog | The Ultimate Book Geek

Standard rules apply, if you’re not interested I understand, and if you’ve already done it, point me there!

About Birdie

Don’t look for her in any bar, club, crazy raging party, or anywhere there may be a large gathering of strangers. She’s more likely to be found tucked into the corner of the couch watching one of her favorite shows, or preferably under a comforter with her current novel.

16 Responses

  1. thelivingbooktree

    Have a bookclub with some friends where we read a classic and a new releaze on the same theme every month which is nice. This month we have read A Room With A View and Love & Gelato 😀


  2. Oh wow, this was a cool tag…and totally a hard one. XD But despite you being intimidated by it originally, you made it look so effortless! It was so much to read your answers, Birdie, and I’ll definitely be taking a closer look at more than a few of these. Thanks so much for the tag, and wonderful post! 🙂


  3. Ooo I haven’t read a good zombie novel in years! ‘Feed’ and ‘The First Days’ look great! Have you ever read ‘Warm Bodies’? That was the last zombie book I read a few years back. I think the sequel is out now too!


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