Social Media Tag

I wasn’t technically tagged to do the Social Media Tag, but the wonderful Kristin, from Kristen Kraves Books, did ping me when she included Birdie Bookworm on her tag.  Thank you so much Kristen! It really meant so much to me, and it makes me want to share the Blogger love.

Below are all the blogs that I love to read, and the bloggers that I’ve befriended (whether or not they were interested!  :D)

The Rules:

  • Thank the person who tagged you.
  • Choose a Blog or Blogger per category and explain why you chose them.
  • Tag others to do this (up to you how many)


A blog with a design you love!

For me, a design I love doesn’t really have anything to do with special graphics, or matching themes.  It’s creativity and originality.  I’ve never ever seen another blog like Jackie’s.  I love the originality of her home screen, and I especially love the coloring of her blog posts.  I admire her blog so much that it’s the only one that makes me debate switching to self-hosting rather than hosting through  (You have no idea how badly I covet her hidden spoiler plugin!)

A blog with a friendly blogger!

Lost Purple Quill

Steph found me over a shared love of Foxhole Court and after a long conversation, where she introduced me to the Foxhole Court tumblr full of facts and short scenes -thanks for that Steph, I find myself regularly falling into that void for HOURS! Now she’s one of my favorite bloggers to chat with.  She also writes excellent reviews, and she has fabulous taste.  You guys should all go follow her.

A blogger who could just write 140 characters and you would still love them!

Book Princess

Mandy is terrible for my bank account!  Her reviews have led me to purchasing multiple books.  Our tastes seem very similar, and that’s the problem.  I know that when she likes a book, I’m probably going to like it too!  I also just like the personal way she writes them, like we’re having a conversation.  It’s a style I try to use, but I think she’s much better at it.

A blog that keeps you entertained!

Ignited Moth

Ignited Moth isn’t only a book blogger.  She does write about books, but frequently her blogs are about whatever randomness jumps into her head.  Her last one was about clowns, one was about how we should all ride horses and give up cars, one was about shark week!  They’re always entertaining and I never know what I’m about to dive into.

A blogger who’s updates you can’t wait for!

Hook or Book

By Hook or By Book is a book blog that I discovered early on.  What makes Kim’s blog stand out to me is how frequently she talks about current events.  She regularly updates her readers on what’s going on outside of the internet, opening dialogue, she also shares poignant posts from other bloggers.  I also love her concise reviews, but I have to admit, I wait for her updates to read her snark on Trump and current politics.

A blog which is very diverse and has variety!

Metaphor Moonlight

Kristen at Metaphors and Moonlight is a blog I discovered recently.  I knew as soon as I read my first of her blog posts that I’d love her blog.  I think we are similar in our tastes, both in book types and in genre.  She also posts a variety of topics.  She really does offer a little bit everything.  (And, her blog design is awesome!)

A blog which is full of creativity and inspiration!

Whimsical Explorations Reviews

Meghan writes short and clear reviews, able to express herself in fewer words than I need.  She also doesn’t only review books.  She reviews movies, both older and newer, and she posts all kinds of photography from concerts and vacations.  She always makes me wish I could travel the world.  She definitely fills me with inspiration!


All of the blogs I’ve listed are wonderful.  I’ve separated them into the different categories, but the truth is they are all inspiring, creative, diverse, entertaining, and friendly.  There are also so many other wonderful blogs that I follow that would have made great selections.  This blogosphere is full of amazing and creative blogs.

I’m not going to outright tag anyone.  All the blogs I’ve mentioned, if you would like to consider yourself tagged (like I did), please ping me back so I can read yours.  If there’s anyone else out there that would like to highlight your favorite blogs, the Social Network Tag was a great opportunity!

About Birdie

Don’t look for her in any bar, club, crazy raging party, or anywhere there may be a large gathering of strangers. She’s more likely to be found tucked into the corner of the couch watching one of her favorite shows, or preferably under a comforter with her current novel.

22 Responses

  1. Ahh thank you so much!! HAHA I’m glad I could be of help with the extra Foxhole court content, I spend hours reading it as well when I discovered it. It was a such a nice bonus to have after finishing the series and still being on that high from it.


  2. Oh I love this post, especially because some of my favorite bloggers are listed here! So proud of these girls ❤ ❤ ❤
    Glad to see you've also fallen in love with them! And now I'm on to explore the ones I was not familiar with before.
    Lovely tag, Birdie 🙂


  3. Thank you so much for including me here, this means so much to me ❤️ 😀 😀 I’m glad I can fill you with inspiration, I try, and I guess I seem to succeed in coming up with creative projects for myself, and for others to take part in. 🙂


  4. Oh, wow! Thank you so much for including me in your tag. I’m seriously honored! 😀 ❤
    This is a really cool tag, I like how it shines the spotlight on people in our blogging community. 🙂
    I love your blog as well, and always enjoy our little chats! 😀


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