Top 5 Tuesday | Intimidating Books!

It’s funny this is the Top 5 Tuesday today, because intimidating books have been on my mind lately.  I was thinking about writing a Flights of Fancy about it, but now I get to talk about it right here.

I’ve recently realized as I’ve gotten older my ability to read tomes has decreased.  It’s not because I don’t want to read them, it’s more that they usually have a fair amount of description and now when I’m an old lady (nearly 40 -gasp) those lengthy paragraphs don’t keep the exhaustion at bay.

It’s too bad too, because there are 5 books I’ve been wanting to read and now I’m not sure I’ll be able too.
It’s intimidating!

Top 5 Tuesday was started by Shanah at Bionic Book Worm!


The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch 

Lies of Locke Lamora

I started The Lies of Locke Lamora, because it’s also on my to read in 2018 list.  I was ready, geared up to go, and even enjoying the early banter of the characters.  The problem was, every single time it switched to description or world building my eyes would get heavy and I’d stop absorbing the words, because I was half asleep.
It does not help the self esteem, that’s for sure!

The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons

Bronze Horseman

People have been trying to get me to read The Bronze Horseman for years and years.  On Goodreads, once someone found out I was an Outlander fan, all they could talk about was how much I would love this book.  They could be right, but the more the raved about it the more intimidated I got and the less I wanted to read it.  I do own it, and I can’t bring myself to get rid of it.  Just, now I have an excuse -I can’t read long lengthy books like this.  I’m old!

The Way of Shadows by Brent Weeks

Way of Shadows

Way of the Shadows has been on my radar for years.  Trained assassin, sounds perfectly up my alley.  I’ve never started it, even though I’ve wanted to, but I’m so afraid that I’ll have the same issue.  It’s no fun when you pick up a book you’re excited for and then have to put it down two days later because you just can’t stay awake.

Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant

Into Drowning Deep

Into the Drowning Deep, I made it about 35% in, but I fought tooth and nail for every chapter down.  I have a feeling the good stuff was right around the corner, I just couldn’t pry my eyes open enough to get there.  I fully intend to finish this book, because I’ve loved this author.  It’ll just have to wait until I’m revitalized.

The Land of Painted Caves by Jean M Auel

Painted Caves

I think this book is the hardest on my list.  Clan of the Cave Bear has been one of my favorite books/series since I was a young teenager.  I read the first book so many times, over and over, because it meant so much to me.  I’ve read all 5 of the previous books, and all I wanted was to see the end of the series -to know of Ayla ever saw Durc again.  To discover how Ayla and Jondalar made a home.  And now I have it, I’ve had it for years, and I can’t bring myself to read it.

About Birdie

Don’t look for her in any bar, club, crazy raging party, or anywhere there may be a large gathering of strangers. She’s more likely to be found tucked into the corner of the couch watching one of her favorite shows, or preferably under a comforter with her current novel.

28 Responses

  1. I included The Lies of Locke Lamora on my list for the page count and the need to want to love it because so many people do. But yes over-description can be the kiss of death for a book. Especially a long one.

    Great list.


  2. “Just, now I have an excuse -I can’t read long lengthy books like this. I’m old!” >>> Hahahahahhaha I laughed so much at this!

    Great list! A Little Life terrifies me, and large books are always SO much commitment, it’s difficult to pick them up when you could read 2-3 books in the same time…


  3. Great list! I have a Brent Weeks book on my list as well! I have the entire Way of Shadows trilogy bound in one giant book that makes it even more intimidating…… ugh I just need to get to it already! And The Lies of Locke Lemora is another one that could have made my list!
    Thanks so much for participating – added you to the list 🙂


      1. I went on a run where I was requesting a bunch, but either getting denied or hearing nothing back. Then, all of a sudden, I was getting approvals left and right, and now I’m buried!


  4. Beware Of The Reader

    I also have The Bronze Horseman on my shelf ..unread Wendy! But the Clan of the Painted cave has been read for years now 😉


  5. The Bronze Horseman might look like a daunting book, but it goes fast – at least, it did for me because I was so swept up in the story and didn’t want to put the book down. As soon as I finished the book, I purchased the next book on my Kindle because I wanted to keep reading about this epic love story. Don’t worry about thinking about the next books in the series, though. You only have to read them if you fall in love with the first book!


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