Top Ten Tuesday | What I Feel Like I Should Read

I’ve always been proud of being an eclectic reader. No, I don’t read nonfiction. However, I’ve always read a wide variety of fictional genres.

Lately, I can’t find interest in anything heavier than romantic comedy. This is true in both my reading choices and my television choices. But, that’s another topic.

Here are the books I should be reading.

1. Darkdawn

by Jay Kristoff

Heaven Help me! I loved this series. I devoured books 1 and 2, and yet when I tried to start this book I just couldn’t feel it. It calls to me, and I’m dying to know how the trilogy ends, but I know if I tried to force it I would only feel resentment.

2. DEV1AT3

by Jay Kristoff

I started reading this book two days ago. I loved LIFEL1K3. The ending wrecked me. I really really want to finish this trilogy, but I can’t. I just can’t do YA right now, and I haven’t figured out why.

3. Dark Age

by Pierce Brown

Red Rising has been one of my favorite Science Fiction series for a long while. In my “nothing heavy” phase in life screams that this novel is going to be too much. Please pray I don’t kick the bucket before I pick this back up.

4. Finale

by Stephanie Garber

Finale was quite literally a finale. The culmination of Scarlet and Tella come together in this final book, and I want so badly to know how this story ends. Somehow I only made it to about 40% before I couldn’t keep going. It wasn’t bad. I just didn’t want to read it.

5. House of Earth and Blood

by Sarah J Maas

I read the first chapter of this book, and I loved it. The hardcover is gorgeous. Absolutely stunning. I want this second opportunity to fall in lover with Sarah J Maas. But man, it’s dense. I feel like I’m not in the place these days for a book like this. My mind can’t handle it.

6. Wayward Son

by Rainbow Rowell

This one isn’t heavy. I’m sure it’s light and sweet. That cover is so adorable, and I love Baz and Simon. I recently bought this in hardcover because I hated that I didn’t have this book to add to my Rowell shelf. But, it’s YA. I’m in a YA rut.

7. The Place on Dalhousie

by Melina Marchetta

The House on Dalhousie is the book I’ve been waiting almost a decade for. It’s the story of my favorite character from all of Melina’s books, Jimmy Hailer. And yet, I’ve had this for months and months. I have the ebook, and I have the paperback. I have no reason to suspect it’s going to be too intense, yet I’m still secretly nervous it’s not going to be a “happy” read.

8. Beard With Me

by Penny Reid

I flew through the Winston Brothers series. I’m crazy about this group of bearded brothers, and I really really wanted to read Beard Necessities. The problem is Penny Reid wrote a prequel to Billy and Claire’s story and called it #6 in the series. It’s not a 5.5, which for some reason I feel like I don’t need to read. No, she made it book #6. Now, no matter how excited I am to read book seven, it will always feel tainted. I can’t read this book. It’s a tragedy, and the story of Billy and Claire already breaks my heart as it is. I don’t want to read this book. I don’t want to know the particulars. My heart can’t take it.

9. Kingsbane

by Claire Legrand

Annnnd, see above.
If it’s not light, fluffy, funny and romantic. I can’t do it.

10. Changes

by Jim Butcher

Changes is a whole new issue. I lost all my ebooks for this series when my computer kaputzed. I haven’t been able to break down and spend $9.99 on another copy. It’s killing me more now, because Peace Talks came out. I really really wanted to be caught up before it came out.

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme previously hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, but as of 2018 is hosted by hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl!

About Birdie

Don’t look for her in any bar, club, crazy raging party, or anywhere there may be a large gathering of strangers. She’s more likely to be found tucked into the corner of the couch watching one of her favorite shows, or preferably under a comforter with her current novel.

43 Responses

  1. What a great post. The global pandemic seems to have affected reading patterns for most of us. I’ve started doing re-reads, which has never been my ‘thing’.
    I have sooo many Penny Reid books on my TBR list – one day I will get them read!


  2. Noooooo! You DO need to read Winston Brother’s #6. It’s not a #5.5. It explains what happened between Claire and Billy back in the day. It’s REALLY good and you will want to know all those details. I promise!


  3. I just always feel like I should be reading ARCs, because I am a compulsive requester. I am with you on Kingsbane. I really need to read that one! But I’ll be rereading Furyborn first. I loved Finale, but it seems I was in the minority with that one.


  4. I feel ya on the “should be’s”. Dark Age would make my list too, but I can’t bring myself to read it when the third one isn’t on the radar yet. I’d just have to reread it lol.


  5. I’ve been shying away from a lot of the heavier reads on my TBR too. I think it’s the stress of the pandemic, but I’ve been all about the rom-coms and so I see several books on your “should be reading” list that are on mine as well.


  6. I hate feeling like I *should* read something. It sucks all the fun out of it! I have tons of books that I feel obligated toward, but hit a wall a couple of weeks ago when I realized I wasn’t happy sticking to a list or a schedule — so for now, I’m ignoring my “shoulds” and reading what I feel like, Much better! I haven’t read many of the books on your list. I really liked Wayward Son, because I love Simon and Baz so much! Changes is an amazing entry in the Dresden series — it’s so dramatic and powerful! I’m caught up, but it’s been so many years since a new book came out that I’m afraid I’ll be completely lost when I finally get a copy of Peace Talks.


      1. Wait, which one is Anne? I know, right. I seriously read all of the time and everything. I even do non-fiction. I feel so bad about it, actually (from one bookie to another). I just can’t keep up. LOL


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