Duo Review | Agents Irish and Whiskey

M/M Romance Suspense
Carina Press | February 27, 2017

Single Malt

About the Book: Eight months after the car crash that changed everything, FBI agent Aidan Talley is back at work. New department, new case and a new partner. Smart, athletic and handsome, Jameson Walker is twelve years his junior. Even if Aidan was ready to move on—and he’s not—Jamie is off-limits.

Jamie’s lusted after Aidan for three years, and the chance to work with San Francisco’s top agent directly is too good to pass up. Aidan is prickly—to put it mildly—but a growing cyber threat soon proves Jamie’s skills invaluable.

Jamie’s talents paint a target on his back, and Aidan is determined to protect him. But with hack after hack threatening a high-security biocontainment facility, time is running out to thwart a deadly terrorist attack. They’ll have to filter out distractions, on the case and in their partnership, to identify the real enemy, solve the case and save thousands of lives, including their own.

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What I Loved

Man, I loved so much!  I loved that even though this is a romantic book, their jobs and the case didn’t take a backseat.  The author made sure to keep the plot as strong as the connection between the characters.  It was especially important because Aiden is only 8 months a widower.  I can believe that after 8 months he may feel an attraction and interest in someone else.  I can’t believe that that interest would overshadow this need for answers about his husband’s death.  If it had been glossed over I would have quickly called foul, and possibly quit the book.

I also loved the way that Aiden and Jamie’s relationship developed.  Again, it’s only been 8 months, so I was glad that Jamie wasn’t someone completely new to Aiden.  They knew of each other, and had worked around each for years.  Jamie’s crush on Aiden had been long standing, but it helped that Aiden had also felt an attraction to Jamie.  Obviously neither man acted on it, as Aiden was married, but having that already built into their history made it much easier to accept Aiden giving into his attraction.  It felt realistic, which was a really good thing.

I also liked Aiden’s brother Danny.  I hope we see more of him in the future.  He was hilarious and I always enjoy a good brotherly bond.

Where I Struggled

I think the only thing that didn’t sit right with me was the reveal at the end.  Having read the synopsis of the following books, I already knew about some painful secret.  I’m not a fan that plot forwarder.  It’s not necessary and won’t add anything worthwhile to the story.  I’ve always felt like it’s a ‘cookie cutter’ twist, used when an author is just trying to create conflict.  I much prefer when they’re bold enough to try something new.  Aiden and Jamie already have conflict up the wazoo, just in Aiden’s recent past alone.

I also didn’t like how the secret was set up.  I don’t think it was appropriate or professional, and it is NOT how you put two new partners together.

It’s the only part of continuing the series that I’m miffed about.



Cask Strength

About the Book: Professionally, the FBI team of Aidan “Irish” Talley and Jameson “Whiskey” Walker is as good as it gets, closing cases faster than any team at the Bureau. Personally, it’s a different story. Aidan’s feelings for Jamie scare the hell out of him: he won’t risk losing another love no matter how heart-tripping the intimacy between them. And loss is a grim reality with the terrorist Renaud still on their trail, leaving a pile of bodies in his wake.

Going undercover on a new case gets them out of town and off the killer’s radar. They’re assigned to investigate an identity theft ring involving a college basketball team in Jamie’s home state, where Jamie’s past makes him perfect for the role of coach. But returning to the court brings more than old memories.

As secrets and shocking betrayals abound, none may be more dangerous than the one Jamie’s been keeping: a secret about the death of Aidan’s husband that could blow his partner’s world apart and destroy forever the fragile bonds of trust and love building between them.

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What I Loved

I loved the case!  The idea of Jamie going undercover as himself back in NC, taking a coaching job like he’s leaving the FBI.  It’s completely unrealistic, but still so much fun.  Maybe I enjoyed it so much because it reminded me of one of my favorite Nancy Drew Files books, Two Points to Murder, when Nancy takes a case at her boyfriends school, Emerson College, to stop a stalker.  I loved Ned Nickerson… anyway, I digress, it had that undercover sporty thing going on and I liked reading Walker questioning his decisions and wondering if he made the right choice when he left the game behind.  (Especially with Aiden acting like such a twat.)

Again, I still loved the heat between Aiden and Jamie.  Even though Aiden was trying to push Jamie away, not wanting to get hurt again, you could still feel all the need between them.  Also, Aiden never lied and said he didn’t have feelings for Jamie, he was upfront in that it was how deeply he cared that was the reason he needed to keep his distance.  Their jobs are dangerous and he couldn’t loose another lover.  It was very understandable.

Not to repeat myself, but I wish we got more about Danny and Mel.  I think I’d like reading that.

What I Struggled With

Still with that pesky secret.  The angst of it was out of control in the second installment, and to be perfectly honest, I’m glad I’m not reading the third and final book until August.  I need a break before the big reveal.  In part, that’s because I’m dreading it, but it’s also because I just think it’s stupid.



Thank you to Carina Press for providing an ARC of Cask Strength, in exchange for an honest review.

About Birdie

Don’t look for her in any bar, club, crazy raging party, or anywhere there may be a large gathering of strangers. She’s more likely to be found tucked into the corner of the couch watching one of her favorite shows, or preferably under a comforter with her current novel.

6 Responses

  1. I can see why you struggled a little bit but I’m glad that despite your issues you still enjoyed these two series. I’m interested to give these books a try. Not know but I’m putting them on my TBR list. Anyway, awesome review. Thanks for sharing. 😁👍🏻


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