The Mid Year Freak Out – Book Tag!

I love the name of this tag!  It’s perfect.  This is about the time where we all look at that year goal and start panicking or gloating.  (I’m gloating by the way.)  I’m looking forward to this one, so thank you to Steph from Lost: Purple Quill for thinking of me when she was tagging!  I appreciate you, Steph!

Everyone, please go check out her blog.  It’s fantastic!  (I should think so!  We have very similar tastes!)


1 – The best book you’ve read so far in 2017!

White Hot
(My Review)

This was a really hard one.  There wasn’t a clear cut winner this year, as the best book I read.  I withhold the right to change my mind by Friday when it’s time to do my Best of the Best Part 1 list.  For now, I’m going to go with White Hot.  There’s just something about this world and these characters that I love.  (I may even love it more than Kate Daniels.)  It’s unique and interesting, and hot!  So good!

2 – Your favorite sequel this year!

Destiny of Dragons
(My Review)

I just finished A Destiny of Dragons and I was excited by how good it was!  Going from 3 stars in the first book, to 5 stars in this sequel was a huge wonderful leap.  TJ Klune is spectacular!

3 – A new release that you haven’t read but really want to!


I don’t know why I haven’t read The Hate U Give yet.  It’s been on my anticipated/gotta have it list for so long.  Everyone raves about how spectacular this is, and I know that I’m going to devour it.  I really need to just find the time in my blogging schedule to fit it in, ASAP.

4 – Most anticipated release for the second half of the year!

Turtles All the Way Down

John Green!  I’ve currently read nearly everything he’s written.  He’s another of my YA favorite authors, and it’s been so long since we’ve gotten something new.  I’ve heard that this story is very personal to him, so while I would have been excited for this anyway, I’m not even more intrigued.  I can’t wait for this book.

5 – Your biggest disappointment!

(My Review)

Garrett Leigh is an author that I just really really want to love.  She’s got a huge following, and I’m always in love with her covers.  They are always stunning.  Sadly, when I read one I usually feel disinterested in the story and the characters.  I keep trying anyway.

6 – Biggest surprise of the year!

The Foxhole Court The Raven King The King's Men
(My Review)

How is it possible to think that a series the messiest and most illogical piece of fiction you’ve ever read, and yet at the same time you adore it and think about it constantly, even months after you’ve read it?  How can you read a book that makes your eyes roll so hard they hurt, but at the same time it feels like a witch has cursed your hands and heart to not be able to put it down?  I can’t answer those questions.  All I know is that this conflicting series has managed to become one of my favorites of all time.  In spite of the plot, it has some of the best characters I’ve ever read, and I know that I’ll be reading it again and again.

7 – Favorite new to you or debut author!

Darker Shade Gathering of Shadows Conjuring of Light
(My Reviews)

I’d seen everyone talking about this series, all over the blogosphere, and I started feeling like I was really missing out on something special.  I was.  V.E. Schwab isn’t a debut author, but she’s definitely new to me.  I’m already planning on crushing her backlist, because this trilogy was amazing!

8 – Your new fictional crush!

(My Review)

Blake Riley!  I thought he was sweet when I was reading US and he was Wes’s new best friend, but I really fell hard when we got his POV in Good Boy.  He’s so original and hilarious, and hot.  He’s definitely my newest fictional man crush!

9 – New favorite character!

(My Review)

Mad Rogan!  He’s so super hot, but what he also has that I love is a vulnerability hidden behind a wall of badassness.  He reminded me a lot of Jericho Barrons, but not in a way that felt like he was copied.  It was in the way that he was the fiercest in all the land, and yet strangely sweet in his own way.  I love this world, but I really love reading about Rogan.

10 – A book that made you cry!

Olive Juice
(My Review)

I was surprised when I looked through my 2017 books and realized that most of them didn’t make me cry.  I thought that I’d have to bow out of this question, until I hit Olive Juice.  Olive Juice definitely made me cry.  A few times, actually.  I can’t get into why, because this book should be read unknowing, but it is beautiful and tragic.  It’s tragically beautiful.

11 – A book that made you happy!

(My Review)

I enjoy the entire At First Sight series, but there was something that was just extra happy about The Queen and the Homo Jock King.  I think I just really loved reading about the romantic antagonism between Darren and Sandy, and how you could tell under their bickering that they both loved each other deeply.  It was super romantic, and really funny, and it had all of my favorite side characters.  More TJ Klune awesomeness.  (And the third time I’ve listed him on this tag.  Yes, I am obsessed.)

12 – Your favorite book to movie adaptation you saw this year!

(Movie Review)

I’ve seen a lot of good book adaptations before, and a lot of horrible ones of course, but I think the best one I’ve seen (ever) was Patrick Ness’s A Monster Calls.  The book had beautiful illustrations, and seeing how wonderfully those drawings were brought to life, I was overwhelmed with emotion.  That’s exactly how you should feel watching, or reading, this story.
This review also has the most views, which I was surprised about.

13 – Favorite book post you’ve published this year!

My favorite was my Valentines post.  I put a lot of work in to that one and it turned out simple but sweet.

I didn’t write it, but I love my friend’s review of Tender Wings of Desire.  It was so funny, and I’m so glad she wrote it for Birdie Bookworm.

14 – The most beautiful book you have bought/received this year!


I still haven’t read Caraval, but I couldn’t resist buying it.  I love the cover of this book.  I love the simplicity of it, and it almost shimmers.  So beautiful.

15 – What are some books that you need to read by the end of the year?

I only discovered both of these books recently, but they both sound absolutely perfect.  I can’t wait to get copies, and read them.  I think I’ll be reading them long before the end of the year.  Probably very soon!  (I also love the similar coloring!  Aren’t they pretty??)


Sherbet Lemon Reviews | Down the Rabbit Hole | Valerie’s Musings
Stories on Stage | Frazzled Fictions | The Bookfeed Blog

So my secret to book tags, in an effort to make it easy on myself, is to go through my notifications and choose six blogs I’ve recently chatted with.  If any of you aren’t interested in doing tags, pretend I never pinged you.  For any of you that do enjoy a book tag now and then, and you choose to do this one, ping me back so I can read your selections!

Thanks for reading!

About Birdie

Don’t look for her in any bar, club, crazy raging party, or anywhere there may be a large gathering of strangers. She’s more likely to be found tucked into the corner of the couch watching one of her favorite shows, or preferably under a comforter with her current novel.

18 Responses

  1. So glad to see V.E. Schwab here! I’ve only read one book by her so far (A Darker Shade of Magic) but it was enough to realize I needed this author in my life. I can’t wait to read the sequels and get into her other trilogies, which sound just as fantastic 🙂
    Great post!


  2. I am also super excited about Turtles All the Way Down! I follow John Green on Youtube and love just about everything he does– this novel is going to feature someone struggling with a mental illness, which I feel like is something that we need more of in literature.

    My Mid-Year Freakout post


  3. I’ve just started to get into book tags so definitely a good choice! My post should be going up soon 🙂 I’m the same on ‘The Hate You Give’. It’s so highly recommended and I just haven’t read it yet but it’s up there on my TBR.

    Great post!


  4. HA! It’s not such a secret because I do the same thing for tags hahaha, I find that so hilarious! 😂
    I really hope you enjoy the hate u give. It was a such a good book! I’m glad you found V.E Schwab! She is an amazing author. I still have to read more from her since I’ve only read that trilogy too!


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