Early Bird Review | The Consumption of Magic

Consumption of Magic

About the Book: Sam of Wilds faced the Dark wizard Myrin and lived to tell the tale. Granted, the battle left him scarred, but things could be a hell of a lot worse.

It’s not until he reunites with Morgan of Shadows and Randall that he realizes just how much worse things could be.

Because the scars have meaning and hint at Myrin’s true plans for Sam and the Kingdom of Verania.

With time running out, Sam and his band of merry misfits—the unicorn Gary, the half-giant Tiggy, Knight Commander Ryan Foxheart, and the dragon known as Kevin—must travel to the snowy mountains in the North and the heart of the Dark Woods to convince the remaining dragons to stand against Myrin. Along the way, Sam learns secrets of the past that will forever change the course of the future.

A reckoning is coming for Sam of Wilds, and there is nothing he can do to stop it.

Tales of Verania #3
Destiny, Fuck Yeah! #2

M/M Fantasy
Dreamspinner Press | November 20, 2017
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What the hell?!  I don’t even… Okay TJ, I’m not cursing you.  I still love you -in that healthy author/fan kind of way, obviously.  I am pretty flabbergasted though.  I am hanging on a precipice.  What an awful place to cut off The Consumption of Magic, TJ.  And, how do I even review this??

The Consumption of Magic definitely has middle of the series syndrome.  To talk about this book would be to give away spoilers.  I feel like I say that a lot, but it’s true.  When you review a first book you can talk about the personalities and about their relationships.  You can review the book without talking about the plot or secrets.  See, I’ve already reviewed The Lightning Struck Heart and Destiny of Dragons.  I’ve already broken down the story in that way.  If I were to do it again I would just be repeating myself.

The relationships have grown, they have altered and changed.  Sam isn’t the same person he was in LSH, except for the sass.  Sam and group are all full of sass, and that’s never going to change.  Gary and Kevin are still Gary and Kevin.  Tiggy still smashes and loves everyone’s face, like we all love his face.  Knight Delicious Face is still adorably douchebaggy, posing all the time.  I love them all so much, and I love them more with each book.

This entire series is a fantasy series like nothing you’ve ever read before.  It’s got an epic awesome world, characters you adore, and the most hilarious dialogue and scenes.  Maybe I struggled a bit with the first book, but most loved it, and I definitely think the next two were even better! (For me it was hard to balance comedy with Fantasy, but I’m completely sold now.)   It’s, as TJ says, a comedy first, and if a comedy that’s also a fantasy interests you, please stop putting it off and go pick up Lightning Struck Heart.

HaveHeart 4eva, b*tches!

Thank you to Dreamspinner Press for providing a free ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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About Birdie

Don’t look for her in any bar, club, crazy raging party, or anywhere there may be a large gathering of strangers. She’s more likely to be found tucked into the corner of the couch watching one of her favorite shows, or preferably under a comforter with her current novel.

6 Responses

  1. Lol I feel like anyone who hasn’t read these books but reads reviews for them must be so confused XD It really is a unique sort of high fantasy. Definitely hilarious! And so sassy. “Gary and Kevin are still Gary and Kevin.” I feel like that’s the only way to even describe those two lol.


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