Top 5 Tuesday | Sanity Savers

Times are precarious.

I’m drowning in fears, as I’m sure we all are.

I’m terrified, as an ‘essential’ worker, that I’m going to unknowingly take home Covid19 to my husband who is diabetic, on high blood pressure, and an ex long time smoker. I want the ability to go back to my normal life, where my 85 year old Grandma can go to lunch with me on the weekend and make a trip to the bookstore…

I’m positive my wishes and fears aren’t different from many others out there. We all need to keep our sanity, and our hope.

Luckily, as a lifelong introvert and hermit, I was strangely accustomed to social distancing.

Here are my favorite anti-social activities.

Top 5 Tuesday was started by Shanah at Bionic Book Worm!


Instagram video calls/Marco Polo

For the first time my family and I have really leaned into the ability to video chat. Regular phone calls have been replaced with Instagram Video chat, or Duo chat. (we like Instagram for filters.) Also, a few friends and I use the video app Marco Polo for fun uplifting ways to communicate.
Marco Polo is convenient because you can record your message anytime, then you send it, and the recipient can watch when it’s convenient.


Netflix & Chill (like actually chill)

Binge watching shows is a great escape. We do watch a lot of shows on regular TV, but lately I’ve become addicted to The Circle. Those of us on social media get a huge kick out of it. My husband, not so much. All the talk of hashtags and emoji’s was too much for him.



Mindless games. They’re my favorite thing. Nonogram isn’t exactly mindless. It’s a puzzle, but there’s something soothing about the numbers and squares. It’s easy for me to focus on this game, plus a tv show at the same time. I think it comes down to keeping my mind busy. To busy to worry.



We’re all feeling the same fear, and I bet most of us reach for the same escape. Books. It’s my go to for distraction. I know I’m not alone on this one.


Birdie Bookworm

Finally, blogging has been an amazing distraction. With my hiatus in 2019, I don’t know if the timing just worked out in that I’m feeling invested in this online world again, or if today’s climate has shaped me. Either way, I find that with the reading comes an urge to write.

About Birdie

Don’t look for her in any bar, club, crazy raging party, or anywhere there may be a large gathering of strangers. She’s more likely to be found tucked into the corner of the couch watching one of her favorite shows, or preferably under a comforter with her current novel.

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